Monday, October 28, 2013

A clear and present danger - the US alliance

Vanguard November 2013 p. 7
Bill F.

Thanks to the courageous whistle-blower Edward Snowden and other investigators, more information is coming out which reveals the extent of Australian government (whether Labor or Liberal) subservience to US imperialism.

For instance, heavily censored documents released under Freedom of Information laws show that the Labor government knew about the secretive US email spying system called PRISM at least two months before Snowden leaked information to the British paper, The Guardian.

Leaked documents published in the Washington Post reveal that PRISM collects email address books and ‘friends’ from Yahoo, Hotmail, Facebook and Gmail accounts from many countries and that this so-called ‘intelligence’ is shared with Australia’ Defence Signals Directorate, plus Britain, Canada and New Zealand – the other trusted ‘running dogs’ who always come when the master whistles.

The scale is mind-blowing: in a single day the NSA is reported to have scooped up 444,743 email address books from Yahoo, 105,068 from Hotmail, 82,857 from Facebook, 33,697 from Gmail and 22,881 from other providers. Analysis of address books and contact lists plots social and political connections and networks that can then be targeted.

The snooping doesn’t stop there. Most recently the French government (supposedly an ally?) went crook when it discovered that US intelligence agencies had secretly taped an incredible 70 million phone calls right across France within a month. It begs the question – what is happening here?!

Nuclear hypocrisy exposed

Documents obtained by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) have exposed the former Gillard government’s abandonment of the principle of nuclear disarmament when it refused to sign a statement at the Non-Proliferation Treaty meeting in Geneva in April. The statement, endorsed by some 80 other countries, included wording that referred to ''the incalculable human suffering associated with any use of nuclear weapons''. Our craven diplomats, huddled under the US nuclear umbrella, just squirmed in their seats.

ICAN Director Tim Wright said, “''Australia cannot credibly advocate nuclear disbarment while claiming that US nuclear weapons guarantee our security or prosperity. Not only is this a ludicrous notion, it is also a dangerous one because it signals to other nations that nuclear weapons are useful and necessary… These declassified exchanges between government officials clearly demonstrate that Australia's talk of nuclear disarmament has been insincere and hollow.''

Malcolm Fraser

In an article in the Melbourne Age on Monday 21, former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser made strong points which demonstrate the very dangers to Australia by the policies of subservience to US imperialism.

“Anyone who has a sense of pride in Australia as an independent nation, as a nation that can make up its own mind, whose values are worth supporting, should be disheartened.

“We have followed the United States into three wars: Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Vietnam and Iraq were costly and tragic failures. Afghanistan is a failure in waiting. US policies have failed in the Middle East. As a consequence, that region is in greater turmoil and America's influence has greatly diminished.

“But if present US policies are pursued, there is a possibility of conflict ultimately between China and the US. If we are involved, our relationships with all countries of the region would be affected. A conflict could be begun by a newly militaristic Japan seeking to change the status of the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands. It could be caused by the Philippines, believing they would have American support and behaving aggressively as a consequence. While the Americans claim not to take sides in disputes in the East and South China seas, their statements, their dispositions and deployments, suggest they have sided with Japan.

“These events affect Australia deeply. We have little or no capacity for independent action or decisions. If America is involved in conflict, our hosting a powerful Marine air-ground taskforce in Darwin, capable of deploying power anywhere throughout the region, makes us complicit in whatever that taskforce may do. Australians have been deceived by statements in Australia, belittling the significance of that deployment, but outside Australia, US secretaries of defence have spoken more openly of its capacities.

“Perhaps more important, Pine Gap, whose initial purpose was to gather intelligence concerning the performance of Soviet missiles, now provides information, virtually in real time, that can be used by a variety of US weapons systems, including drones. Pine Gap is part of America's drone killing program. If targets are selected anywhere in east Asia or the western Pacific, we are complicit in such actions.

“In any conflict in the western Pacific, because of the Darwin taskforce and Pine Gap, it would be impossible to say that we are not involved. Therefore, if America goes to war in the western Pacific, we also will be at war. Washington will determine whether Australia goes to war or not, just as Britain and the empire did in days of old.

“We must find a way to reassert our own sovereignty.”


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