Monday, October 28, 2013

Basque activists face show trials

Vanguard November 2013 p. 11
Jim H.

Over the last two years the Basque nationalist (independence) revolutionary struggle has made significant gains. The Basque territories are in northern Spain and southern France. It is in Spain where the struggles are most advanced and where this article is concerned with.

Over this time there has been a huge rise in the organised movement and the level of mass support for it. Many thousands of new activists have stood up and the young are the core. Coalitions under the names of Bildu and Amaiur have won enough votes in local regional and national elections to make themselves into major players. However these are not primarily parliamentary movements. Parliament is utilised to lift the legal struggle on the ground. There is a new political party called Sortu pledged to winning independence and socialism.

Attack has purpose

The reaction of the ruling class and its state has been vicious. Under the cover of anti-terrorism laws, it has systematically gone about apprehending people and often subjecting them to torture. Under the law detainees are held for a period without charge, let go and picked up again. No contact with lawyers, family or anyone else is permitted. The state will not admit that someone has been picked up. A number of victims have just disappeared. There have been a few assassinations.

This is what happens when the ruling class is sufficiently alarmed by the strength of the opposition to it. There is an important lesson to this that extends well beyond the plight of the Basques.

Three major court cases that have either just started or are about to start in the Spanish National Court. The first began on 14 October and the second on 17 October, where 150 people are on serious charges that involve significant jail sentences. They are members of the youth wing of the organisation giving support to and promoting the interests of political prisoners. They are accused of providing support for terrorism. The third case is that of the 80 people arrested for administering the 110 social centres that have been closed down by force.

Each trial is expected to last about 6 months.

Mounting support for victims

The results so far has been a groundswell of support for the victims and isolation of the state. According to reports of the concerned organisations, offers of active support have been flooding in, even from quite a few who have till now been political opponents. There is widespread disgust over the trials.

While the reaction of the state is obviously influenced by their political fear, there is also a very clear strategy. They want to weaken the organised movement and set the scene to make it illegal. In this way they hope to strike a blow against the fighting spirit of the people. There is also an element of provocation, to attempt to drive some people into acts that can be used as a cover for even more vicious attacks.

The Basque struggle is a major political factor for the whole of Spain. It sets an example for all the peoples. Rebellion in the Basque land threatens rebellion in the other provinces. And is even more telling in conditions of deepening economic and political crisis overall. The fact that major government personalities are caught up in a major corruption scandals (money from developers) also contributes.

Response to attacks

In the face of the developing situation, the “left nationalist” organisations call on the people to respond by taking to the streets. Sortu has called “… on all Basques with democratic convictions to show their repulsion to political decisions disguised as legal decisions that don’t just attack the Abertzale [nationalist] Left, but try to condition the future of the Basque Country.” The aim is to not allow the attacks to get in the way of what has to be done to build a new society based on independence, socialism and a cooperative and equal relationship with all the peoples of Spain.

International support is also important. While Europe is at the centre, support is also required from other places, to help isolate the reactionary state, support the victims and to aid the people to decide and build their own future.

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