Monday, June 24, 2013

Big brother is watching you

Vanguard July 2013 p. 9
Jack D.

Today you are being watched and monitored more than at any time in the past. Not even in the post-World War Two Dulles era when there were allegedly “reds under the bed” were we monitored as much as now.

With today’s technology there is the ability to spy on all facets of peoples’ lives. Your financial doings are recorded. Your shopping habits are recorded. Your accessing of medical and other like needs are recorded.

What you do, where you do it, often why you are there and whom it is you see, is recorded. Your bits of plastic card and your human need for food, clothing, medical, dental, travel and other such things are all recorded, largely because of your bits of plastic card.


When you enter any of the bigger shops you are on camera. Driving a car you are often on camera. If you walk round the streets you may be on camera.

This is especially so in some areas. Here in these areas the police have their own set of cameras watching the streets as well as the usual security private business cameras. This is especially so round the housing commission areas.

Over and above that, some of the shopkeepers want to search people’s bags. This is especially so by the biggest thieves, the large supermarket chains. They want to look in your bag. They are saying that you are a thief.

They can only ask to look in your bag. You, in turn, have the right to refuse, and so you should. This is a ploy by the Retailers Association and big business to con you into submitting to them.

There is a similar thing about to happen in the fuel industry where service stations are going to try to force customers to submit to screening of some more advanced kind or other. The excuse is the increase in drive offs from fuel bowsers. Certainly there have been increases, but this is no excuse to tar all customers with the one brush. Times are hard. People are much more desperate now.

Ironically, this whine about people stealing fuel comes from the greatest thieves of all with the most over-priced product of all, the oil companies.

Surveillance and the rising use of spying are about control and manipulating the population. It is about the gradual training of people to get used to such domination and to accept it.


We need to start now and organise against such measures, in the supermarket and the petrol station which need to have more staff, more employees, more person to person dealings, more respect for their fellows.

A few years ago Woolworths was exposed for tossing the bread into the skips with deliberately busted packaging then hosing it down so the homeless and poor could not use it. They thought it would force those with no means to come in and buy bread. But we never see Woolworths giving bread for no money.

We need to make it very clear that enough is enough.

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