Sunday, April 15, 2012

On May Day, people in struggle are not alone

Vanguard May 2010 p. 3

Statement by the Central Committee CPA (M-L)

On International Workers’ Day, May 1st, the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) sends solidarity greetings to all exploited and struggling workers, peasants and oppressed peoples fighting for a better world; to those fighting against imperialism for national liberation, to those fighting for socialism; comrades, you are not alone.

To those living in wretched poverty, to those oppressed by racism or sexism, to those languishing in fascist prisons, and to those whose only hope for a better life comes from the hard path of armed struggle; comrades, you are not alone. All across the world, decent people feel your suffering, honour your sacrifices and wish success to your struggles. Your resilience, determination and advances in struggle inspire and give confidence to all. Sooner or later, humanity will win through and do away with imperialism and capitalism, the main source of poverty, war and suffering.

Internationally, the main target of intense anti-imperialist struggle is US imperialism, the most powerful, violent and ruthless enemy of the people of the world. Yet, as Mao Zedong would often say, it is a ‘paper tiger’, in appearance technically powerful, but in reality morally weak before the righteous anger of the oppressed.

But, we know it takes more than anger to win the day. Revolutionary change means taking state power from the ruling classes and empowering the working masses to manage society for the collective benefit.

For such momentous change to be achieved anywhere, to be effective and lasting, it requires the vanguard of change, the revolutionary party (or parties) to lead and guide; to devote the most intense study and investigation of the application of Marxism-Leninism to the actual facts and conditions; to sorting out priorities and particularities of different stages among complex and competing contradictions; to making a realistic assessment of the balance of forces, and to developing the most practical means of organising and mobilising the masses in struggle according to the circumstances of the day. It requires the utmost selfless dedication and persistence, especially when “all ahead seems dark as night”. The sacrifice demanded can only be sustained by love for the oppressed people in struggle and by the knowledge and confidence that with time they will embrace the path of revolution.

On May Day, we salute our brothers and sisters from workers’ and Communist parties in the poor and oppressed countries in the front line of struggle against US imperialism, feudalism and reaction. We salute our comrades in the Philippines, Nepal, India, Palestine and Columbia defending the people against imperialism and local reaction, and advancing along their revolutionary road.

We rejoice with our brothers and sisters in Venezuela and Bolivia, where the revolutionary movement has achieved some success and in China, Cuba, northern Korea and Vietnam where the masses are determined to build socialism and the struggle continues.

We salute the working class and all ordinary people in the more developed countries struggling against exploitation, the burden of capitalist crisis and the corrosive ideas of bourgeois social democracy.

On May Day, we salute the struggles of indigenous Australians against racism and injustice.

We salute the Australian working class and working people – against anti-worker laws, against the loss of democratic rights, against exploitation by foreign and local corporate monopolies, against imperialist takeover and the demise of local manufacturing industries and jobs, against imperialist wars and occupations driven by the US Alliance, against pollution and destruction of our rivers, seas and forests by the greed of capitalism.

We salute the struggles of the people for an independent, just and democratic Australia, where the wealth and resources are owned by the working people and used for social benefit, and where the transition to an environmentally sustainable future can be properly planned and managed.

Lastly, we salute our own comrades as they go about their mass work in this vast land, learning from the people, persistently overcoming difficulties, leading and organising in workplaces and communities, and sowing the seeds for future revolutionary change.

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