Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Political consciousness and mass work

Vanguard October 2011 p. 4
Bill F.

“While we recognise that in the general development of history the material determines the mental and social being determines social consciousness, we also – and indeed must – recognise the reaction of mental on material things, of social consciousness on social being and of the superstructure on the economic base. This does not go against materialism; on the contrary, it avoids mechanical materialism and firmly upholds dialectical materialism.” (Mao Zedong On Contradiction August 1937)

Different levels of political consciousness among the people require revolutionary activists to work and organise in a number of different ways.

Most working people in the day to day battles for workplace rights and conditions, democratic and human rights, protection of the urban and natural environment, public and community services, and peace in the world, invariably come up against one or another aspect of US imperialist domination and capitalist exploitation without consciously recognising the economic and political class system of imperialist domination and oppression.

In Australia the majority of unorganised masses are working class, but are largely influenced by the ideas of bourgeois social democracy. The cynicism of parliamentary politics has deepened in recent times with the global economic crisis of capitalist overproduction.

The attacks on the people intensify and the working class is more than ever compelled to rely on the strength of its own organised mass struggle outside parliament, to defend the people and move a step forward towards realisation of its own destiny.

Mass Work

Communists work at all levels defending the people from the economic crisis and promoting the upsurge of an independent anti-imperialist mass movement. Within the anti-imperialist mass movement there are different levels of consciousness and struggle.

Communists play their part in leading the progressive demands and struggles of the masses, while exposing the connection between the day to day problems and the different aspects of imperialist domination of Australia.

There are natural connections to the masses in workplaces, communities and social networks. Other connections are in mass organisations, single issue groups, and struggles which can inform, educate and mobilise broader sections around particular issues.

Experience of struggle creates opportunities to draw lessons, raise alternatives to the present status quo such as the nationalisation of key industries, the effects of multinational domination of Australia, and taxing the rich corporations, not the people, to pay for the monopoly capitalist economic crisis.

The essential and critical tasks is to listen to the people, deeply know their lives, struggles and concerns, and to understand the level of mass consciousness and preparedness to struggle.

Communists assist and lead people in struggle, not only in the day to day battles for reforms within capitalism, but importantly, use the science of Marxism to offer explanations of people’s situation and actual experiences, and to put forward ideas of an alternative vision for the future.

Mass organisations

A deeper level of political consciousness is reflected within organised groups such as mass organisations, issue groups, trade unions, community groups and the like.

There may be some recognition of the nature of US imperialism in terms of global military domination and aggression, but often this is not connected to its economic, political and military domination role in Australia.

For some, imperialism means only political and military aggression. They don’t see the economic imperatives behind the aggression, the class rule of corporate monopoly capitalism. Others see only economic aggression as expressed through globalisation and free trade agendas, and somewhat separate from the political and military role of imperialism.

Our political work should promote and strengthen the people’s mass organisations, while exposing the links between US imperialism and the local ruling class.

Communists are deeply involved in the struggles of the people, working out immediate tactics of struggle, mobilising the people and offering Marxist explanations on the nature of imperialist domination and how it overshadows economic and political life in Australia.

Political work in mass organisations should promote common interests across people’s organisations, and where possible, link immediate struggles to opposing and resisting imperialist domination. Among the activists, we develop and promote immediate demands of struggle, working class leadership, the mass line method, and put forward an alternative vision for the future around relevant issues.

Left activism

Many left activists see the need for organisation, solidarity and militant struggle, and are attracted to intermediate levels of activism. The danger of so-called “left activists” is that they mostly confine their activities to their own narrow, and very small, left circles. They frequently suffer from left-bloc isolation and often see themselves as above and separate from the mass of people rather than a part of the people. Most are genuine and sincere people, but the pressures of bourgeois sectarianism and left-blocism isolates them from the majority of the people and can lead to ultra-leftism and adventurism.

Our political work at this level should promote out-going activities that welcome and involve broader sections of the people. We need to encourage the activists in ways that bring them closer to the people, not further apart. And we also need to encourage activists to keep up their natural mass connections in the people’s organisations, workplaces and community.

Revolutionary organisations have no place for bourgeois self-promotion and self-serving interests. The mass line that seeks unity of all forces opposed to imperialism, and respects the differences within the united front on other matters, is the only way a broad anti-imperialist united movement of working people can be built.

Revolutionary organisation

The highest level of political consciousness is that represented by conscious revolutionary organisation, i.e. communist organisation and discipline. The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) constantly makes a serious, genuine and sustained effort to improve its political work, and to build practical alliances with other fraternal forces opposed to US imperialism and committed to socialism.

Obviously, members of the CPA (M-L) are not the only genuine people who see the need for revolutionary change, for deep seated and thorough national independence, and for the victory of socialism. We have a programme of a revolutionary process connected by stages in Australian conditions, and a certain method of organisation that places greater emphasis on mass work. Practice and experience over time will test our methods, as it will others. Our work is constantly reviewed and adjustments are made in line with changing circumstances.

Nothing is static

Between the different layers of political consciousness, there is movement and crossover. They are not isolated and static; it’s a dialectical relationship.

Mass work, the mass line, patient and meticulous hard work and collective discipline are some of the hall marks of a revolutionary organisation striving to serve the people and build an anti-imperialist mass movement.

1 comment:

  1. This is a well thought out and accurately expressed article. It outlines the principles of working with people, whoever they may be, at levels appropriate to their particular situation and political understanding at that moment. We need to work taking into account THEIR levels, not just our level, of understanding so that we may gently lead people foward in their understanding. This also applies as we work alongside more experienced comrades who provide leadership for us. It is a process that links us together in struggle, each learning from the other because we always can learn from others by both positive and by negative examples we experience.

    Theory and practice in struggle is a bit like the vines, the creepers in the rainforest.
    To paraphrase Kippling in reference to that it could be put:-

    As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk,
    Experience runneth forward and back,
    We learn from each other in struggle,
    To keep ourselves on the right track.
