Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Occupation of Afghanistan is a dismal failure

Vanguard July 2011 p. 1
Jim H.

As the US led occupation of Afghanistan hits its tenth year, the resistance movement has stolen the expected quick victory.

A mess in Afghanistan is spreading to a mess in neighbouring Pakistan.

The puppet imposed Karzai government in Kabul has no legitimacy. It controls very little, is rife with corruption, and has earned the hatred of the Afghani people. It totally depends on the firepower of US imperialism and the patronage of warlords.

In its striving for a modicum of legitimacy, from time to time Karzai has to protest at the worst of the American atrocities and go on about the sovereignty of Afghanistan. It is all hot air. The puppet can do nothing against the puppet master.

Divisions grow amongst those who have sold their lot with the invaders.

Clearly there is little confidence here about a military victory. Meanwhile US generals stand before press conferences and go on about successes in the battlefield. The truth on the ground is that when a military concentration moves into an area, the resistance fighters melt away. When the military moves on, the fighters return. They are not stupid enough to confront a superior military force head on. They pick on weak spots. It is a genuine resistance movement for national independence.

The purpose of the invasion was not to defeat terrorism. It was to gain a foothold in the Caucuses, have access to massive oil and gas reserves, press on Russia’s borders and move towards furthering the encirclement of China.

Political quislings in Australia bow and scrape before Uncle Sam. They do what they are told and ape the lies, whether they are in Julia Gillard’s Labor government or Tony Abbott’s Coalition. They show that they too are puppets of US imperialism, willingly serving its global expansion.

Now the word is out that while prattling on of victory in the field, talks are being held with the Taliban. Their can be no greater evidence of the failure of the invasion. Failure on the battlefield, unpopularity of the war at home, and growing international political isolation are the causes.

The threat of a new quagmire in Pakistan is a major worry for Washington. Violent attacks in that country have made the USA extremely unpopular there. Its own puppet government has top make a show of some independence, and protest against the worst of the attacks. The recent assassination raid against Osama Bin Laden was also a major assault on the dignity of Pakistan.

US President Barak Obama is talking about a withdrawal. It should occur immediately. Australians should not be sent to this unjust war one more day. Most Australians have made it clear that they don’t want this.

The persistence of Julia Gillard is a crime.

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