Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Unions prepare for struggle

Vanguard November 2011 p. 3

Imperialism and capitalism are in economic and political crisis. It is the crisis of overproduction and decay.

The enormous wealth created by the millions of working people of the world is concentrated in the hands of a tiny handful of parasitic corporations whilst more than 80% of the world’s population live in poverty or eking out an existence. The huge number of goods created by labour of workers gluts the market and can no longer be bought by the same low paid workers and working people. Markets shrink, the rate of profit slows down and the big corporations and financial institutions act to rescue their profits and the capitalist system.

Workers are sacked, wages and conditions are pushed down and cheaper casual labour is brought in. More public funds are syphoned off to rescue big corporations. The people pay through cuts to public spending, cuts to public sector jobs and wages, public services. Monopoly corporations and finance capital demand cuts in company taxes and increase taxes on the people.

Monopoly capital knows that the working class, organised in fighting unions, will resist their plans to push the capitalist economic crisis on the people. It makes preparations to crush workers’ fighting unions. More instruments of the state are rolled out to suppress mass resistance to making the people pay.

In Australia the imperialist ruling class of monopoly corporations and big banks - BHP-Billiton, Rio-Tinto, Toyota, foreign monopoly retailers, National Australia Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank - is cranking up an assault on the working class and the people. Thousands of jobs have disappeared already and casual and part-time employment is spreading.

Attacks on unions are cranked up. The more reactionary sections of the ruling class, with Abbott as their mouthpiece, are now openly demanding even greater suppression of workers’ rights to organise in unions and take industrial action. Recently elected State Liberal governments in NSW and Victoria are pushing through more draconian laws to suppress workers’ struggle and the more militant unions. All this from the most openly reactionary section of the ruling class, and not a peep from the Federal Labor Government.

The working class will not be easily put down. The unity and determination of Qantas workers has inspired many workers and unions. Qantas bosses’ threats and intimidation have only strengthened workers’ resolve to fight for decent wages and conditions. They have won much public support, whilst Qantas bosses have been isolated and exposed.

In Victoria, the battle for wage increases by nurses, teachers and public servants is brewing, with the State Liberal government declaring it will pay no more than 2.5% wage increases. At the same time, in the midst of police violence against Occupy Melbourne protestors, the state government committed nearly 5% yearly wage increases over next three years to police. This was above the Police Association’s claim of 4.5%. Undoubtedly, a bribe to facilitate use of police against nurses, public servants and other sections of workers and unions taking action.

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