Sunday, February 16, 2025

A Capitalist Parliament Won’t Get People Out of the Mess - Mass Struggle for People’s Power the only Solution to the Crisis

Written by: John G. on 17 February 2025


(Above: Keep the initiative in our own hands, and lift the level of struggle!)


In the economic crisis that stalks Australia, there is only one solution. The struggle of Australian workers and working people.

Struggle is against the multinationals and their collaborators, struggle for increased wages, for adequate social services, for easing workload burdens, for shorter hours, for secure jobs and for housing we can afford. The common thread is to throw foreign monopoly corporations and their collaborators off our backs and out of Australia, to establish the rule of the working and patriotic people, the vast majority

Struggle mustn’t be held back by any of the scam cures offered, restraining wages, balancing government budgets, increased spending on infrastructure, cutting spending on infrastructure, spending super on housing, lowering interest rates, multi-employer bargaining, subsidies on windfarms, cutting subsides on renewable power, spending hundreds of billions on nuclear power, and on and on. 

The grim reality is economic crisis rolls on whatever parliament has done or will do. Struggle mustn’t be held back by the parliamentary hassle that’s going on, pumped up to hoodwink people.

It’s important to get over the complete rubbish, get to grips with the fundamental reality of what’s going on, and solve it.  

The capitalist system is failing the people. Inflation of the currency has robbed people of their livelihoods, their savings and prospects for the future. Inflation is the current expression of a long-festering crisis of overproduction in the capitalist system here and overseas. After years of people’s agony with wages held way behind price rises, high interest rates and rents, business bankruptcies, countries drowning in debt, the economy will pick up sometime, at a huge cost to people. It won’t last long. The major centres of capitalist funds and power are choking on mountains of accumulated capital funds with nowhere to profitably go. That problem’s going nowhere. It’ll come out in the next problems in one form or another. 

Markets, sources of raw materials and production centres, are all dominated by monopoly corporations from the US, China, Europe, Russia and other imperialist powers. The battle between the various capitalists for markets and things to invest in has come to a peak, turning from mainly economic and political struggles to military struggles. Trade Wars may head into world wars.

Wars for oil are no news to anyone. Now its wider, with proxy wars in the Ukraine, the Middle East, and elsewhere. The waste of war, the destruction of arms and infrastructure creates shortages and markets, offering some relief for capitalists to use their money capital to get profits, getting round the crisis of oversupply for a while. For capitalists, war’s a way out of their mess. 

The US is gearing up for war with China. Trump is concentrating on war in Asia to grab control of China and those countries increasingly dependent on it. Proxy wars head into direct warfare between the big imperialist powers. 

People find ways to stand up to US and western imperialists moves to war. People from Palestine to West Papua to Kurdistan have risen with arms in hand to win and defend their national liberation from imperialist vultures. They are showing organised resistance knocks the imperialists back, serving up defeats to imperialist conspiracies against people.

 We’ve had both Liberal and Labor governments in the last decade. We’ve had Greens in a ‘balance’ of votes in the senate. We’ve had Greens and Independents manoeuvring between the two big players. 

The tactics of Labor leaders might differ from Dutton, which has some importance, but essentially, they all look after the rich and attack the poor.  The Greens and Teals, Jackie Lambie, Palmer and others tout various different programs to get votes promising to get people out of the mess.  

Irrespective of the government, and the mix of parties in parliament coming out of an election, hardships keep cutting a swathe through working and small business people time and again, while the big foreign monopolies keep plundering Australia and the people. 

Parliament and party shadow-boxing in its chambers works to keep capitalism on our backs. 

Stop Dreaming! Parliament is no way out of the mess. 

Get organised! Build mass struggle for people’s power against foreign, corporate monopoly power.

Stand up to US and other imperialisms to win independence from foreign-moneybags and their local collaborator capitalists and bureaucrats, Canberra included.

Democratic Anti-Imperialist Revolution for Power to the People. 

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