Written by: CPA (M-L) on 1 January 2025

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) gladly extends greetings and welcome to all our friends and supporters on the occasion of New Year’s Day, 2025.
The new year will undoubtedly see a further expansion of the scope of people’s struggle and a growing isolation of all imperialism and all reactionary forces.
Armed with anti-imperialist class consciousness and united in struggle, the working class and its allies are the most powerful and unstoppable force for developing the revolutionary movement for fundamental change in Australia.
Ours is a country whose formal name is the Commonwealth of Australia. Emerging from its colonial past as a federation still under the control of imperialism, wealth in Australia has never been held in common, has never been shared across the class divides.
For more than two hundred years, the old adage that the “rich get richer and the poor get poorer” has held true across the ages, and is seen today in a widespread cost-of-living crisis. This pattern of social polarisation built on the exploitation of the many and the selfishness of the few has well and truly outlived its uselessness and must be overthrown.
We live in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, but we are not yet in a proletarian-led revolutionary situation.
That situation will be built by class conscious workers supporting each other and our class in the revolutionary movement that does exist and which we are doing our best to shape and promote.
It is contributed to by the consciousness arising from the tireless fight against Israeli Zionist aggression and in support for the courageous Palestinian people whose resistance to the Israeli Zionist occupation of Palestine has sent a message to the world and Israel that after more than 70 years of struggle against oppression and occupation the Palestinian people will never give up.
Palestinian resistance has lit the flames of resistance against imperialism and colonialism across the world, exposing and isolating the brutality and decadence of capitalism and its ruling classes. The US-empire loyalists in the leadership of the capitalist Australian “Labor” Party are rightly rejected and unpopular for their defence of Zionism and for their treacherous betrayal of Australian national sovereignty in the hugely costly AUKUS arrangements.
Australian First Peoples have seen parallels between their situation and that of the Palestinians, both peoples having been subjected to occupation, theft of country, and attempted genocide. Their fight against racism and for self-determination will continue.
We are witnessing a sharpening of inter-imperialist tensions, mainly between US and China/Russia for markets, resources, areas of investments, and sources of surplus value in all corners of the world - Syria, Ukraine, Africa, Middle East, Asia, South America, Europe and Oceania - all leading closer to inter-imperialist war that could easily become World War Three.
The attacks on Australia’s most militant union, the CFMEU, have further exposed the ALP and the peak leadership of the unions in the ACTU as agents of the bourgeoisie committed to class struggle against the workers. However, their attacks bring with it the potential and capacity to unite and organise workers in struggle, adding further impetus to the revolutionary movement in Australia.
Fearing escalation of people’s struggles against the burden of capitalist economic crisis, oppression and war, the ruling classes of monopoly capital are moving towards more open repression and have no compunction in removing more and more of the veneer of bourgeois democratic rights.
They prosecute and gaol whistle-blowers, fail to protect Australian citizens from the vengeful reach of US imperialism, direct the police to attack and suppress progressive political actions, increase penalties directed at protests and even ban them outright.
The capitalist parties are lining up for a federal election. In previous elections, the people have shown their disenchantment with the two major capitalist parties by voting for independent candidates and minor parties.
There is a growing awareness that parliament cannot be relied upon to solve the working people’s problems. Yes, the people will vote and are not yet ready to pursue an independent working class agenda through to the seizure of power from those who currently hold it from them.
But on the ground, in our workplaces and communities, people will be uniting, organising and mobilising against imperialism, colonialism and war and all reaction.
It is right that they rebel, rather than sit back having been told by the capitalist media that they have had their exercise of democratic rights by putting paper in a ballot box.
Their defiance of reactionary authority is a good thing and will not be satisfied by a once-in-three years vote for the politicians of their “choice”.
• Workers and oppressed peoples of the world, unite against imperialism, colonialism and fascism.
• Serve the people
• For an independent and socialist Australia!
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