Wednesday, March 11, 2015

International Women’s Day - Women demand end to double exploitation of working women

Alice M

March 8 marks the International Working Women’s Day.  On this day working women pay tribute to the hard won achievements and struggles of previous generations of women and assert our determination to defend the gains and continue the fight for real equality and emancipation of women. We hold that genuine equality between women and men cannot be realised without ending the capitalist system of double exploitation of working women and liberating the whole of the working class and the oppressed.
 On International Working Women’s Day we honour the millions of ordinary working women of the past and present in their long and hard struggles for improvements in their immediate conditions of life and a future free of exploitation and oppression of all humanity. 
On this day we honour the struggles of many generations of women in their workplaces and communities for equality, a better life and against capitalist and imperialist exploitation.
We pay tribute to millions of women around the world engaged in revolutionary struggles for national independence and socialism.  We are greatly inspired and encouraged by the revolutionary women of Palestine, India, Philippines  Latin America, the Middle East and Africa fighting imperialism and fascism.
International   Working Women’s Day was born in 1911 in Europe and US out of bitter battles by working women for improvements to their low wages and harsh working conditions.  IWD came out of working women’s  fight for social and political equality, women’s right to vote, for peace and an end to capitalist exploitation of the working class.  They were truly momentous mass struggles led by communist and socialist women and drew wide support. 
Communist and socialist women were thoroughly active in the struggles for immediate improvements to working women’s lives within capitalism, and at the same time they argued strongly that real equality and the emancipation of working women cannot be realised under the exploitative capitalist class system.  As long as the capitalist class of a tiny super rich minority holds the economic and political power the double exploitation of working women cannot be changed fundamentally.  The capitalist system of class relations is the main barrier to achieving real and permanent equality and rights for women.
Capitalism doubly exploits working women
Capitalism commodifies women and condemns them to unpaid domestic labour and cheap labour in the paid workforce.  The economic exploitation and inequality of women in the capitalist relations of production institutionalises social inequality,   gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual and domestic violence against women.  
 Today, international capital is driving savage attacks on people of the world.   More of immense global wealth, created from the exploitation of workers and the environment, is sucked out by multinational corporations and banks.
Imperialist wars, savage capitalist austerity and the restructuring of national economies by global monopoly corporations and banks are throwing millions more into poverty.
Women make up 70% of the world’s poor
The world has not seen the scale and depth of global poverty and suffering of hundreds of millions,  that contrasts sharply with the obscenity of massive profits seized by a tiny handful of monopolies striding the globe.
Women carry the heavy burden of the onslaught by capital and imperialist wars.  Savage imperialist wars for control of world’s natural resources and economic and political hegemony are wreaking suffering and horrors of death, poverty and displacement on millions. In developing, semi-colonial countries more women are pushed into deeper poverty.   In developed countries, harsh imperialist and capitalist austerity is killing off the few social and economic achievements and concessions won by working women in the mid and later 20th Century .  In both the developing and industrially developed  countries more women and their families are now living in poverty. 
Australia’s Aboriginal women
On International Women’s Day we acknowledge and pay tribute to the lives and struggles of Australia’s Aboriginal women.  The oppression of Aboriginal women that began with the 1789 colonial occupation and dispossession continues today under the tyranny of the Northern Territory Intervention administered by both Liberal and Labor governments.  The Intervention has reinforced the colonial dispossession, poverty, unemployment and oppression for the overwhelming majority of Aboriginal people.  More Aboriginal women are being incarcerated and their children continue to be taken away.   Aboriginal women are the bed rock of their people’s resilience and dignity, holding communities together, organising and leading the resistance to occupation and oppression and showing the way forward.
Capitalist austerity hits working class women hard
Working women in Australia won concessions from the capitalist state in the mid to late 20th century.  Many of these  incremental  achievements in equal pay for work of equal value,  more accessible and affordable child care, laws against gender discrimination and sexual harassment, maternity leave, funding for women’s community, health, education and support services, superannuation, had been won over many years through persistent struggles by women and their unions.
Today many of these important achievements are now being rolled back.  
No real and lasting equality for working women under capitalism
Important as these achievements have been in alleviating some of the inequalities with men and for improvements to women’s lives generally, women workers are still concentrated in low paid, insecure, casual and part-time work, on individual contracts, heavily dependent on penalty rates to make ends meet.  Child care fees are sky rocketing.  Gender discrimination and sexual harassment continue, often covertly, with most women reluctant to report for fear of reprisals whilst the laws are rarely enforceable.    Working women’s measly wages are supported by the minimum wage.  The gap between women’s and men’s earnings has widened to 19%, with women on average earning $300 per week less than men.
Working class women carry the heaviest burden of the present LNP government’s harsh austerity budget rolled out on behalf of global finance capital and its monopoly corporations.  The present wave of attacks on workers’ wages and conditions, privatisation of publicly owned assets and community services, deregulation and cuts to health, education and welfare services were started by the Hawke-Keating government 35 years ago.  These have continued to be implemented incrementally by both Liberal and Labor governments.   Many earlier gains made by women have now been eroded, at first gradually by successive Labor governments and now with force by the LNP government.  The removal of single parents women from their pensions to lower  NewStart allowance by the Gillard government is just one of acts of betrayal of working class women by Labor governments.
Organise, mobilise and fight for a better world – the only way forward for working women
Equality and improvements to women’s lives can only be achieved through struggle.  In the present struggles and mass mobilisations by unions and communities against the LNP government budget cuts, attacks on workers and union rights, destruction of the environment, women stand as equals with their male comrades in unions and communities.
As long as this movement is held in the hands of rank and file unionists and workers, and in the grass roots of communities, working women will win their place as equals in struggle and for a world free of exploitation .

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