Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Condemn the murder of Ismail Haniya

 Written by: Nick G. on 1 August 2024

(Above: Ismail Haniya together with anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews.  Source: Torah Jews on X)


The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) unequivocally condemns the murder of Hamas leader Ismail Haniya on July 31 by the Israeli Zionists.

The assassination, by an Israel air strike in Teheran, Iran, is designed to frustrate moves towards a ceasefire in Gaza. 

Ismail Haniya was instrumental in negotiating the terms of a ceasefire, which the Zionists have opposed. Israel has been increasingly isolated in its opposition to an internationally backed ceasefire proposal for which Hamas had expressed support.

Haniya also encouraged the overcoming of divisions within the Palestinian resistance, and particularly those between Hamas and the West Bank Palestinian Authority led by Fatah.

Just over a week before his assassination, Haniya had encouraged the meeting of representatives of 14 Palestinian organisations in Beijing.

This reconciliation dialogue resulted in a recognition by all participants of the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. 

The declaration also stated that a temporary national reconciliation government will be formed according to the consensus of Palestinian factions and the current Basic Law of the Palestine, to undertake Gaza reconstruction and prepare for general elections as soon as possible in accordance with the adopted electoral law. It endorsed the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestinians”.

For the sake of unity, all representatives endorsed the “two state solution”, also favoured by “honest broker” Beijing. China favours Israel’s continued existence. China has been Israel's third largest trading partner globally; bilateral trade volume increased from $50 million in 1992 to over $10 billion in 2013. Technology and armaments are major components of this trade relationship.

Israel immediately denounced the agreement within the Palestinian resistance, and imperialists led by the US reaffirmed their rejection of any governing body for Gaza which included Hamas. In this way do the great “defenders of democracy” show their contempt for the will of the people.

Israel’s “right to defend itself” has always meant its right to commit aggression against its neighbours, and to conduct targeted assassinations and bombings within their borders.

Within hours of murdering Haniya, Israel launched an airstrike on a southern residential suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut, claiming to have killed a top Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr, in retaliation for Hezbollah’s alleged bombing in the Golan Heights, a Syrian territory illegally occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six Days War.

Israeli genocide is not limited to the targeted assassination of the leaders of resistance organisations. Whole families are murdered in an attempt to intimidate the leaders and break their will.

In Haniya’s case, fourteen members of his family were killed in an Israeli airstrike on his family home in Gaza City, among them a brother and nephew in retaliation for October 7. In November 2023, a granddaughter of his was reportedly killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City. Later that month his eldest grandson was killed in an Israeli strike. Three of his sons and three grandchildren were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip on 10 April 2024. On 25 June 2024, ten members of his family, including his 80-year-old sister, were killed in an Israeli airstrike in al-Shati refugee camp.

This terrible price had not intimidated Ismail Haniya, nor broken his will.

And neither will Haniya’s assassination stop the Palestinian people from continuing their fight for freedom. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

We will resist the occupation. We will defend the soil of Kurdistan!

Written by: MLKP on 29 July 2024


(Above: MLKP rally Source:MLKP International Bulletin)

We are making avalable to Australian readers this statement from the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey/Northen Kurdistan (MLKP). We support the right of the Kurdish nation to exist within its own borders and condemn the efforts of Erdogan's Turkey to destroy the Kurdish people.  We have added several footnotes for clarity - eds.


The fascist Turkish bourgeois colonial state, with the support of the KDP (1) and the Iraqi government, is expanding its occupation attack on the territory of Bashurê Kurdistan (Southern Kurdistan) (2). Our mountains are being bombed, our villages are being evacuated, our people are being forcibly relocated. A genocidal attack is being carried out with chemical weapons and tactical nuclear bombs. 
The Turkish colonial state sees the centuries-old Ottoman dream as the basis for its invasion attacks. It is on its way to annexing the territory from Bashurê Kurdistan to Mosul and Kirkuk. The NATO countries, which recently came together and openly announced their intention to bring the world to the brink of World War III, support the genocidal policy and occupation of the Turkish state. The USA and the Western imperialists assign a special role in its Middle East axis to the Turkish bourgeois state, which is their financial-economic colony.
Together with Israel, which continues its massacres in Palestine, the Turkish state is plunging the Middle East into a great chaos. While sowing the seeds of discord among the peoples, the ground is being prepared for the military base of the imperialist USA in the region. 
The Turkish bourgeois state sees war and political chaos in the Middle East and North Africa as support for its goal of becoming a regional power. It is trying to exploit the contradictions between the imperialist USA and Russia. It is pursuing an expansionist strategy with the aim of becoming a regional political player. With a future vision of expanding its territory, it is trying to shift borders. Military bases are being established in the occupied territories from Afrin to Bradost. It stations the fascist political Islamist gangs it feeds and strengthens in the region and establishes a rule of colonial masters. 
Fascist leader Tayyip Erdogan, who is planning a new Ottoman Empire, wants to push the borders of Misak-ı Milli. The oil reserves in the region are whetting his appetite. From Aleppo to Mosul and Kirkuk, he wants to realize his annexation scenario, which he could not realize with the ISIS gang, by deploying his own army forces. He is positioning the political Islamist ISIS gangs in Syria and the KDP Barzani family in Bashûrê Kurdistan as collaborators in his colonial plans. 
The KDP-Barzani family has deepened the line of collaborationist betrayal. It has sold out the national liberation struggle and the freedom of the people of Bashurê Kurdistan for narrow family interests. It is jeopardizing the federal status of the region. It fills its coffers with the black money it collects from the oil of Bashurê Kurdistan and opens the gates of the Kurdish land to the occupiers. It turns a deaf ear to the calls of our patriotic people to stop cooperating with the colonialists. The KDP line, which reached out to the Turkish state, could not save its arm. Now the Barzanis degenerated into wanting to become a governor of colonialism. If the Turkish state gains full rule over Bashurê Kurdistan, they will not even have as much authority as the trustee of the Hakkari municipality, much less will they be able to maintain their bourgeois rule. 
The only force resisting the occupation of Bashurê Kurdistan is the Kurdish freedom guerrilla. In Zap, Garê, Metîna, in the mountains of free Kurdistan, the patriotic and communist guerrilla forces have stopped the invaders with the line of self-sacrificing resistance. They prevented the occupying forces from advancing. The Turkish army, which suffered heavy losses every day, was unable to move without the support of the KDP and the Iraqi government. It therefore began to target the population of Bashurê Kurdistan. By bombing villages and besieging districts, the aim is to force the population to leave and to depopulate the region by setting up checkpoints on the roads. 
The Turkish occupying state is trying to turn the Syrian and Iraqi states, which have been colonizing Kurdistan for years, into being complicit in this plan. The weaknesses of the governments in Baghdad and Damascus, which want to regain their power as sovereign states, are to be united in the Turkish state’s policy of hostility towards the Kurds and turned into its reserve. The Assad regime, which is trying to survive in Syria, is offered cooperation for the liquidation attacks against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. The fascist Turkish state wants to form a colonialist alliance against our women‘s revolution in Rojava.(3) To this end, it invites the regime in Damascus, with which it has established military and intelligence cooperation, to the negotiating table in order to force it to divide the East and West of the Euphrates. The main goal of the colonialist Turkish state is to liquidate the Autonomous Administration and occupy the areas of the revolution in Rojava. The fascist chief regime is taking its steps in line with the plan of annihilation and genocide. 
On July 19, the 12th anniversary of the revolution in Rojava, the seeds of greater resistance and glorious victories will be planted. We defeated the colonialists and their gangs in Kobanê in a historic resistance at the cost of the lives of thousands of our people. We defeated them in Sinjar. We defeated them in Garê. Now another legend of resistance is being written in the mountains of Kurdistan. 
With the epic resistance power of our people, we will expel the fascist Turkish colonial state from the revolutionary areas of Bashurê Kurdistan and Rojava. Our people in the four parts of Kurdistan must not remain silent in the face of the betrayal and collaborationist line of the KDP. They must put a stop to this insidious occupation complicit. The guerrilla resistance must be strengthened through popular uprisings throughout Kurdistan. With the determined stance of our people and our guerrilla resistance, we will finally put an end to this colonialist war, which the fascist chief regime sees as a struggle for being or not being for itself. Our freedom guerrillas will draw strength from the strong popular actions against occupation and colonialism in Bakurê Kurdistan (4), Rojava, Turkey and the European metropolises and further strengthen their resistance. 
The strength lies in our resistant patriotic people. The mountains of free Kurdistan, protected by the blood of thousands of martyrs, and our revolution in Rojava draw their strength from our patriotic people. The history of the liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples has shown that not everything depends on the will of the colonialists. 
Now is the time again to start the Serhildan (Kurdish Intifada) (5) for the freedom of Kurdistan and our people. Our people, who never shy away from paying the price, will play this historic role and bury the colonialists in the mountains of Kurdistan. The will of the resistance for honor and freedom will prevail.
We call on all our peoples in Turkey, Iraq and Syria, especially our laboring peoples of the ruling Turkish and Arab nations, to raise the struggle against these genocidal, occupying and colonialist attacks. As long as colonized Kurdistan is not free, no people will be free. 
We call on all progressive, revolutionary parties and organizations, democratic mass organizations and dignified intellectuals in the four parts of Kurdistan and the region to stand up against this war and occupation. 
This resistance, which draws its strength from its righteousness and its people, will absolutely, absolutely win. Either victory or victory! 
Long live the women‘s revolution of Rojava! 
Long live our guerrilla resistance! 
Long live the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist united struggle of the peoples of the Middle East! 
Long live the united free socialist Kurdistan! 
July 18, 2024 
MLKP Kurdistan Organization
(International Bulletin of the MLKP, July 2024)
(1) The Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) was established in 1946 under the leadership of Mustafa Barzani. Originally located in Iranian Kurdistan, it is now he ruling party in Iraqi Kurdistan, and is regarded as a populist, conservative organisation – eds.
(2) Bashurê Kurdistan is an internationally recognised autonomous region of northern Iraq, home to 6 million Kurds. Kurdistan spans four countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria -eds.
(3) Rojava is liberated and self-governing Kurdish territory in North-east Syria. It is regularly bombed by Turkish forces -eds.
(4) Northern Kurdistan, or the southeastern part of Turkey, home to nearly 20 million Kurds-eds.
(5) Literally “raise your head”, Serhildan activities are carried out particularly on the anniversary of the jailing of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, and at the Kurdish New Year Newroz festival - eds.

Indian Ocean Defence and Security Conference 2024, and AUKUS in Perth

Written by: Allan M. on 29 July 2024


Between 24-26 July 2024, Perth was host to the Indian Ocean Defence and Security (IODS) Conference. Promoted as the place "where AUKUS meets the Quad", IODS 2024 was a who's who in industrial murder.

Representatives from the governments, militaries, and arms industries of the United States, United Kingdom, India, Japan, and of course Australia, were rushing to applaud the escalating arms race. The focus of IODS 2024 was clearly the AUKUS arrangement and Australia's involvement in the US led 'Quad' military partnership. However, a significant amount of time was made available to speakers from weapons manufacturing companies in order to promote their lethal products.

Perth workers and students rallied in protest against this celebration of killing for profit and were disgusted by the attendance of arms manufacturers, particularly RAFAEL Systems, who produce and sell weapons currently being used to perpetrate the genocide in Gaza. Protests organised by a coalition of unionists, activists, and students were held over the course of the IODS conference to demonstrate Perth's anger at hosting facilitators of crimes against humanity.

On 24 July, Perth workers and students opened their week of action against IODS 24. Standing in the cold and surrounded by police, activists were there to disrupt the arrival of IODS attendees, letting them know their efforts to militarise Australia and continue the murder in Gaza were not welcome. Many IODS attendees scuttled to the conference centre door with their heads down, some sneered and laughed between themselves, and others pretended to not to notice. However, none were able to walk past without hearing from the powerful speakers and the shouts from the angered Perth community. Speakers included Palestinian activists from Friends of Palestine WA, who spoke to the clear connection between Australia's integration in the imperialist military industrial complex and the bombing of civilians in Gaza. Other speakers included WA Greens Senator Dorinda Cox, and union activists who spoke to the building of worker power to end systematised violence for profit and building a more peaceful society.

Protests continued on 25 July to disrupt speakers from RAFAEL Systems, culminating in a march through the city to make it clear that war criminals, and their enablers, are not welcome here. Weekly protests against Australia's complicity in the war in Gaza continue.

AUKUS in Perth

As IODS 2024 was being prepared, the Australian Government announced its plans to house a radioactive waste facility on Garden Island, off the coast of Perth, to store waste from America, British, and eventually Australian nuclear powered submarines. These plans, and its announcement, come in spite of vocal opposition from community members closest to the facility, with Rockingham residents consistently expressing their disapproval of the project.

Defence Industry Minister, Pat Conroy, was quick to dismiss large-scale community concern over this announcement by downplaying the purpose and extent of this facility, and making a deceptive comparison to radioactive waste handled by hospitals. This is a blatant and disrespectful lie from the Defence Industry Minister. Australian hospitals are not powered by nuclear reactors, unlike the American and British submarines that require highly enriched uranium for fuel. The vice-president of the Medical Association for Prevention of War has pointed out that nuclear waste from hospitals, usually generated from medical imagery, are short-lived and usually only need to be stored for 2-3 months, while nuclear waste from submarines will need to be stored for 300 years. The hospital comparison is all the more egregious as these medical facilities are intended to save lives, and are entirely necessary to support the health of our population, while the AUKUS endeavour has been made through the choices of a tiny minority of political elites that are focussed on ending lives in the Pacific.

Rockingham Mayor, Deb Hamblin, was also quick to dismiss her constituents, noting that the safety assessments indicated that in a 'worst case scenario' any radioactive hazards off-site were "negligible". Worst case scenarios were noted as being, among others, bushfires. Mayor Hamblin may have forgotten that we are in a climate crisis, and WA's bushfire season now extends to 8 out of 12 months in a year. She may have also forgotten the recent bushfires in the south of Perth that threatened the homes of thousands of people, or that Garden Island has significant areas of bushland. The residents of Rockingham certainly have a right to feel concerned about the "negligible" radioactive hazards and the presence of nuclear reactors on their doorstep. Unfortunately, their concerns have fallen on deaf ears, with submissions to the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) being kept from the public eye. Mayor Hamblin commented on the secretive and limited consultation process, saying she was satisfied with the level of consultation.

Instead of advocating and elevating the concerns of Rockingham residents, the Mayor commented on the numerous benefits that the AUKUS project would bring, including housing (for American and British military personnel), advanced manufacturing, and most bizarrely, tourism. Many Australians may struggle to see how AUKUS would deliver any of those benefits to the residents of Perth, except for the select few who live on Garden Island and work for the AUKUS alliance. Most Australians would probably also struggle to see how those benefits would be realised in the event of a nuclear conflict. Mayor Hamblin has not commented on that point.

Finally, the Mayor commented that Rockingham residents will support the AUKUS announcement as Rockingham has always been a "defence city". This author has been a Western Australian all their life, and has never once known Rockingham as a "defence city". To most Western Australians, Rockingham is known for its beautiful coast, marine environment, and quiet lifestyle. It is also well known for its wealth inequality and socioeconomic disadvantage. The billions of dollars wasted on the AUKUS project would certainly be better spent on fighting against poverty and disadvantage. The residents of Rockingham are continuing to fight for just that, and despite the repeated dismissals and lack of consultation, are still advocating against militarisation on their doorstep.


People's Struggle in Australia for Palestinians Continues

 Written by: Ned K. on 28 July 2024


(Above: Adelaide rally 280724  Source: AFOPA on X)

On this latest weekend of 27-28 July 2024, demonstrations in support of Palestinians in Australians were again held, as they have been since Israel's bombardment of Gaza intensified last October.

Numbers of people attending such demonstrations and those able to attend varies from week to week and fortnight to fortnight but their cumulative impact should not be underestimated.

The latest weekend's demonstrations were supplemented by demonstrations outside the NSW state ALP conference and also inside the conference itself. 

In smaller cities like Adelaide and Canberra, the organizers of the demonstrations have been able to provide many different speakers, some with recent first-hand experience of the current situation in Gaza and some Palestinians who lived in Gaza before having to flee for their lives.

In Adelaide this last weekend, the 1500 people at the demonstration listened to a young Palestinian person who fled Palestine with his parents when he was just nine years old. He calmly recalled his memories of what it was like living in the apartheid-like conditions in the West Bank, with endless checkpoints, scarcity of food, electricity, fresh drinking water, destruction of Palestinian homes one by one by Israeli settlers and resulting homelessness. He finished speaking by saying that the Western Governments, not Hamas, were responsible for what happened on 7 October last year, as these governments had supported for decades the colonial invasion of Palestine by Zionist Israeli regimes.

It is the voices of thousands of people in Australia that the Australian Government has been unable to stop. 

Now the Government is fearful of losing Seats in western Sydney due to its pro-Israel position. So, we see Foreign Minister Wong announce last Thursday, three days before the NSW state ALP conference, that the Australian Government was following the USA in placing sanctions against seven Israeli individuals and a youth group, Hilltop Youth, for assaults on Palestinians in the West Bank,

Wong said the sanctions included revoking of visas, travel bans into Australia and seizure of any property or assets held by the individuals or youth group in Australia. 

These measures are like hitting the Israeli Government with a feather duster with three feathers in it!

Wong said the assaults by these Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank "increased tensions and further undermines stability for a two-state solution".

However, she and her Prime Minister Albanese do not support Palestinian statehood and still parrot the USA's line of "Israel has the right to defend itself"!

However, she and the Albanese Government do not support the right of Palestinians to defend themselves against an imperialist backed Zionist invading regime.

This is coming back to bite them, especially as it may contribute to the end of their existence as the executive committee of the imperialists in Australia at the next federal election in 2025!


“We’re fighting for something that’s so much bigger, so much bigger than any one person.”; Nine workers on five-day strike.

Written by: Ashley C. on 27 July 2024


On Friday 26 July, unionised journalists and media workers at Nine newspapers (The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Financial Review, WAtoday and Brisbane Times) walked off the job and marked the beginning of a five-day strike.

The strike comes after protected action was voted up by 90% of union members following a breakdown in negotiations with management for their next enterprise agreement. Under the banner of their union, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), workers are fighting for salary increases that keep up with inflation and job protections as Nine seeks to cut production costs following the recent termination of an advertising revenue agreement with parasitic US behemoth Meta (Facebook). 

While internal strife has been building for months at Nine, the workers have taken advantage of their legal right to strike during the enterprise agreement bargaining period (at any other time, workers and their unions would be immediately crushed by fines and injunctions as employers are legally protected from industrial action).
In June, union members were prepared to take action following Nine’s June announcement that 200 redundancies would occur due to the expiry of a commercial agreement with Meta. Australian news outlets bargain for deals with foreign companies like Meta for an agreed share of profits generated through advertising revenue in accordance with the News Media Bargaining Code that the Australian government introduced in 2021.
In response to the June redundancies, the house committee of union members at Nine passed a motion of no confidence in Nine chief executive Mike Sneesby and the Nine Entertainment Company board, “due to a lack of progress in the current enterprise bargaining agreement negotiations and because of the job cuts that have been announced.” Union members stated that that “We consider the announcement of the job cuts during negotiations particularly poor and question whether the unionised part of the workforce at Nine has particularly been targeted.”
These journalists are generally tasked with producing Nine’s shameless propaganda for the Australian capitalist class, such as the disgraceful and treacherous ‘Building Bad’ series of articles against the CFMEU and union militancy. On any day of the week, Australians can open the Age or the AFR and read about how increases to wages are supposedly the cause of the ‘cost of living’ crisis, or about the apparent benefits of US imperialism for Australia and the world. 
Capital at work, workers out of work
It is ironic that these workers who work for the mouthpieces of capital are now taking industrial action as a result of Nine’s attack on their wages, jobs and conditions. Along with its function to strengthen the bourgeoisie’s ideological superstructure, the media is economically fused with the advertising industry and Nine’s business model is to produce and publish as cheaply as possible whatever brings in the most advertising revenue. To increase profit from advertising, Nine enters into deals with US companies like Meta. US capital is running the show, and workers are left to pay the price when the deals made by their comprador employers are no longer profitable. When Mike Sneesby announced the job cuts to Nine staff in June, he didn’t mince his words: “Today we will announce measures in our Publishing business to offset the loss of revenue from the Meta deal and challenges in the advertising market”.
When journalists walked off the job on Friday, they marched together in fury against their bosses. In Melbourne, the workers formed a picket at the entrance of their office at Docklands, supported by officials from their union, the MEAA, along with representatives of the RTBU and United Workers Union. Walking off the job together is the bravest action that workers can do, and they were met with cheers by their union as they left the glass doors of Nine’s office. Management had locked the workers out of their computer access immediately as the 11am strike began.  
A union member was interviewed on ABC radio earlier in the morning and expressed how significant the action of striking felt to Nine workers, declaring that “We’re fighting for something that’s so much bigger, so much bigger than any one person.”
The MEAA presented the workers’ struggle as part of a noble cause for quality journalism. The slogan “Don’t Torch Journalism” was printed on placards and T-shirts as a reference to Mike Sneesby running with the Olympic torch in Paris and the strategic timing of the strike at the beginning of the Olympics. On the picket line at the Nine office in Melbourne, MEAA Deputy Chief Executive Adam Portelli presented the issue as a matter of Nine’s lack of respect for its hard-working journalists.  
The Australian media industry is tethered to US imperialism as local monopolists cut deals for advertising revenue with foreign companies. When foreign capital pulls out, local employers cut costs and offset the losses onto their workers. This is like any other industry in Australia. This is Australian capitalism. It is right for workers in all industries to rebel against those who sell them out and attack their conditions. Calls for respect will only go so far as the effects of Meta’s withdrawal are passed onto media workers. 
Solidarity message
At the Nine Melbourne picket, a worker read out a message of solidarity received from union members at the ABC, demonstrating the shared struggle across the industry. In June, the house committee of unionised workers at ABC also passed a motion of solidarity to Nine and Seven workers immediately affected by the withdrawal of US capital from their employers:
The ABC MEAA House Committee expresses its solidarity with Nine and Seven members facing an uncertain future after both companies announced hundreds of staff cuts.
This comes in the wake of Meta pulling its funding of news in Australia and declines in advertising revenue.
News organisations right across Australia have already been cut to bone. These latest losses are not only devastating for the employees impacted, but to the principle of a healthy media scene.
We also acknowledge ABC staff in jobs funded by deals with Meta and Google, who themselves are concerned for their future when their contracts expire later this year. We call on ABC management to provide security and surety for those employees.

Mirarr people have won their battle against Jabiluka

 Written by: Nick G. on 28 July 2024


The NT government has refused to extend Energy Resources of Australia’s (ERA) Jabiluka uranium mining lease.

The lease is located within Kakadu on the lands of the Mirarr people.

Mirarr Traditional Owner Corben Mudjandi welcomed the news: “This day will go down in history as the day the Mirarr finally stopped Jabiluka. It is great day for the Mirarr people, for Kakadu, the Northern Territory and for Australia. This proves that people standing strong for Country can win. We look forward to welcoming all Australians to share our cultural heritage for decades to come.”

Kakadu traditional owners have long opposed uranium mining in Kakadu.

In 1969, uranium was discovered at a site that became the Ranger Uranium Mine in 1980.

Uranium was also discovered in 1971 at nearby Jabiluka 1, with a much larger Jabiluka 2 discovered in 1973. At both mines, capitalism’s destructive war on nature and the people was on display.

Kakadu was proclaimed a National Park in several stages between 1979 and 1991. However, the Ranger and Jabiluka mines were excised from the Park so that mining could occur.

Mining ceased at Ranger in 2012 although stockpile processing continued until 2021.

At Jabiluka, preparations for mining were made following the purchase of the mine by ERA, majority owned by the multinational Rio Tinto.

In 1998, Mirarr Senior Traditional Owners Yvonne Margarula and Jacqui Katona called on activists to help blockade the construction of the mine. An eight-month blockade followed as supporters from Australia and around the world came to lend their numbers to the blockade. The machinery of state, owned by the capitalists, was thrown at them and more than 500 were arrested. 

When the current lease expires on August 11, the Mirarr will expect the mine sites to be incorporated by the federal government in the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park, keeping Jabiluka protected from mining.

Mirarr leader Yvonne Margarula said: “We have always said no to this mine. Government and mining companies told us they would mine it but we stayed strong and said no. Today I feel very happy that Jabiluka will be safe forever. Protecting country is very important for my family and for me.”

We understand the politics of traditional owners and conservationists expressing thanks to the NT and federal governments for these decisions, but without the decades-long struggles led by the Mirarr, and supported by Australia and international friends, it is doubtful that the new protections would have emerged.

Labor has had decades to deliver on Ranger and Jabiluka, and sat on its hands until finally forced to act.

Rio Tinto’s ERA must fully rehabilitate the mess that their activities have created on Mirarr Country.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The CFMEU: “It’s an attack on us, our wages, our conditions, our right to organise.”

Written by: Louisa L. on 24 July 2024


State and federal governments, courts, cops, media, the ALP and ACTU are backing some of the world’s biggest developers, banks and finance corporations against the CFMEU and its members. 

Right now, building workers say, “It’s an attack on us, our wages, our conditions, our right to organise.” 

It’s an attack on the whole working class.

It comes after multiple deregistrations and royal commissions against the old Builders Labourers Federation and its CFMEU offspring first led by the CPA(ML)’s incorruptible comrade John Cummins. Next, workers crushed the 14-year Australian Building and Construction Commission’s attempt to destroy the union by outlawing basic democratic rights for construction workers and their representatives. 

Eyewatering profits

At stake are eyewatering profits to be made from the surplus value created by construction workers. While developers take the least risk and the most money, building companies and subcontractors are squeezed.  

net worth of Meriton’s owner Highrise Harry Triguboff is $23.8 billion. Goodman Group, worth $59.24 billion, is number one of the top ten multi-billion dollar developers on Australia’s stock exchange. 

BlackRock, the biggest US investment firm is one of the biggest security holders in eight of these top developers.  Its CEO and founder Harry Finke has $US8.7 TRILLION in assets. The second biggest US investment firm, The Vanguard Group with $US8.6 trillion assets under management, is one of the top five investors in every single one of the Australian Top 10 listed developers. 

Where does such obscene wealth come from? Plundering nature and exploiting workers’ labour power.

One rule for bosses, another for workers

In the huge MUA-led 1998 waterfront dispute, images of guard dogs and shipyard owner enforcers in balaclavas outraged journalists and public alike. 

Hundreds of thousands joined solidarity actions. 

This time, journalists join the corporate attack, labelling industrial tactics protecting safety in a notoriously dangerous industry ‘criminal’. The best wages and conditions in the country? Also ‘criminal’. 

These journalists have been key in exposing big end and government corruption, like Scott Morrison’s Robodebt that illegally sent debt notices to 443,000 of Australians most vulnerable people, stealing $1.8 billion! No-one charged! 

Or investigating PwC, which designed the Federal Government’s response to minimise tax avoidance and then told corporate clients how to get round them. No one charged! Or KPMG that sent fake invoices to the Defence Department, and was then awarded $70 million contracts in one week! Government contracts despite insider information. No one charged!  

They never mention the good

For decades governments have allowed construction companies to shift money to new companies, and declare the old ones broke – without paying workers entitlements or subcontractors’ bills, then start again with a new company. Zero action for decades!

CFMEU EBAs ensure leave entitlements are paid monthly into industry redundancy trusts and superannuation into industry fund CBUS and, so workers aren’t robbed. Where’s the praise?

As a worker told us, “They never mention all the good the union does.” That good is beyond the seven percent yearly pay rise, double time for all overtime, site, travel and other allowances. It’s beyond the battles that forced governments to outlaw deadly engineered stone, or the NSW mass stopworks after 18-year-old Christopher Cassaniti was crushed to death. 

What about the union’s extensive mental health and suicide prevention work in an industry where excessive hours undermine health? What about its drug and alcohol programs, including residential ones for members and families at Sydney’s Foundation House, and places like it, interstate? 

In the 1950s and early 60s, the Builders Labourers Federation activists overthrew gangster control of the union and industry. 

Living with dignity

Governments, and giant corporations, have been giving contracts to gangsters for decade. Bribes could be paid and received, but it’s impossible for any CFMEU money to be syphoned to them. 

Nationally difficulties arose when the CFMEU made systematic moves into the government run infrastructure sector. An experienced NSW delegate told us, “You can’t pick up a brick or shovel in the civil sector without confronting gangsters and bikies.” Where was the fury while the right-wing ALP Australian Workers Union was covering it all for lousy conditions and pay?

Today construction is the only industry where former prisoners can work and create a new path to controlling their own lives with dignity.

Meanwhile First Peoples, the mentally ill, homeless, those whom an education system divided by wealth has failed, the poor and those who were physically or sexually abused as children are jailed at alarming and escalating rates. In every state, children can be sent to youth prison at 10 years old. But the cabal of super rich and privileged targets an industry and union that might give them a second chance. What’s the real crime here?

The CFMEU works in this whole corrupt system, but unlike the old BLF, never challenged its right to exist. It’s time to build organisation to challenge that system.

Workers should be able to run their own organisations, democratically and fairly.

The CFMEU is one of Australia’s last unions prepared to take unprotected industrial action. If it goes under, it will undermine rising struggles among workers, when membership is at rock bottom and most workers have their backs to the wall. We call for solidarity. 


Monday, July 22, 2024

The ABC and Indo-Pacific psychological warfare

Written by: (Contributed) on 23 July 2024


(Source: )

A major funding boost for the ABC has coincided with Canberra announcing the Pacific AUS TV Initiative designed to provide extensive media coverage across the Pacific, in line with traditional psychological warfare techniques.

Fears have arisen about China having upgraded their regional media coverage in recent years, enabling Beijing to enhance its diplomatic position in a more favourable light.

The Australian initiative, however, is not original and remains remarkably similar to previous initiatives designed to protect the UK Commonwealth and US hegemonic diplomatic positions and 'interests' through compliant Australian involvement.

In mid-July Canberra announced a $40.5 million upgrade with the ABC, Australia's national broadcaster; a total of $28.4 million has already been allocated over the next five years for the Pacific-Aus TV Initiative marked by enhancing ties between Australian and Pacific Islands media outlets to enable 'Pacific Islands people to access Australian content … and … creating additional news content for Pacific audiences'. (1)

The initiative has placed the Pacific region into the larger Indo-Pacific area 'with efforts to bolster Indo-Pacific media capacity and its ties to Australian-based media … the ABC will also provide support for media partners in the Pacific, South-east Asia and South Asia, and boost its radio transmission across the region'. (2)

The initiative has been established following fears arising about China's 'media foot-print in the Indo-Pacific region … and … to fend off growing Chinese cultural influence across the region'. (3) The initiative forms part of a classic psychological warfare technique, designed to shape favourable opinion toward the US and its allies, to the detriment of adversaries. (4)

The initiative, furthermore, fits comfortably and is best assessed in the context of the US-led Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS) where 'the US, Japan, India, and Australia form the Quad hemming China in from all sides' while other countries allied with US-led diplomacy are included as lower-level partners. (5) Australia, historically, has been a close US ally with strong involvement in surrounding Asia and Pacific countries. As US diplomatic hostilities with China have increased in recent years, Australia's importance has been  elevated.

The Australian initiative, however, is not new; in fact, it is merely a continuation of similar moves by both the US and UK to use Australia as a regional conduit through which hegemonic diplomacy has been conducted. Australia, it should be noted, has historically maintained the diplomatic position of being a sub-imperial power. (6) The AUKUS relationship is best viewed in that light.

Recent research following the declassification of various government documents about the highly secretive Information Research Department (IRD) has revealed how Australia was quietly drawn into the organisation; initially established as Britain's 'covert Cold War propaganda arm between 1948 and 1977 … the IRD covertly collected and disseminated material to the media to discredit human rights figures, undermine political opponents overseas, help overthrow governments, and promote UK influence and commercial interests around the world'. (7)

The IRD also 'maintained a strong relationship with the BBC. It supplied material, 'provided it was neither quoted directly, nor attributed to the government as being official policy. The BBC was an ideal conduit for IRD material because it was … in a class by itself'. (8) The stifling nature of British society with class privilege merging with state power, was also an ideal recruiting ground for spooks whose designated role was to use Commonwealth positions for ulterior motives and spurious agendas; the past Cold War and merged with the present one, as seen with the recent 'Australian' initiative.  

Australia was initially drawn into the IRD network following a visit by Norman Reddaway to Canberra in late 1970 for a Four Power Information Meeting 'on defence and security strategy in the SE Asia, involving Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the US'. (9) Reddaway was an influential British spook: having served in the Second World War he was recruited to the Foreign Office and was influential in the creation of the IRD. (10) During the 1960s he was assigned to Indonesia as 'the co-ordinator of political warfare', designed to overthrow the progressive and pro-Chinese Sukarno presidential administration. (11)

By 1970, Reddaway was increasingly concerned about threats to traditional hegemonic positions in Asia, which had become a theatre of war and Cold War diplomatic tensions. The Vietnam War was, at that time, well under-way and regarded as a component part of the far-right domino theory of spreading influences across the region; Australian military involvement has been well recorded. The political position of the Labor administrations of Gough Whitlam and their troubled diplomatic relationship with their US counterparts  has been well recorded elsewhere.

Following further high-level diplomatic meetings between Australia, the UK and US, a Department of Foreign Affairs official, Ross Smith, was selected as Principal Research officer for the newly established 'secret propaganda unit', in October 1971. (12) Smith, not surprisingly, had been previously employed as the Information Attache in the Australian embassy in Jakarta during 1962-65, 'providing contacts and information to Australian reporters and media outlets. His time there had coincided with the period when the IRD was very active in Indonesia producing propaganda designed to undermine left-leaning President Sukarno'. (13) Gross human rights abuses following the 1965 Suharto military coup did not appear to have caused either Smith, or his Australian employers, any concern whatsoever.

Declassified documents from the Australian national archive have revealed that involvement from Canberra was largely concentrated on the South-west Pacific area where the main IRD lacked contacts. It was noted, however, 'the Australians are working up distribution of their material in South-east Asia, and beginning to cultivate potential recipients in the UK through Australia House, who have sought our advice'. (14)     

Once operational the Australian IRD 'distributed … unattributed research briefs and articles written for newspapers and journals, and the potential recipients would have been co-operative journalists writing on the region'. (15) A declassified document from the period has shown how Australia was supposed to organise 'information operations', spoon-feeding
journalists with material designed to influence events in the Western Pacific and South-east Asia region. (16)

Following the elevation of Smith to the position of Consul-General in Lae, PNG, in October, 1974, shortly before independence, control of the IRD passed through the hands of two further spooks who were both well versed in Indonesian affairs. Richard Butler took immediate control of the unit, having been appointed by Richard Woolcott, who later served as Australian ambassador to Indonesia during the period of the brutal invasion of East Timor. Australian support for the military invasion was well known, and despite over 180,000 East Timorese losing their lives in massacres and genocide, the 'problem' was glossed over and subject to diplomatic silence for decades. Canberra, subsequently, only declassified intelligence documents from the period very reluctantly and has proved hesitant about openly discussing any of the revelations, including those surrounding the deaths of the Balibo Five.

It is interesting to note the main IRD organisation was subsequently closed by then British Foreign Secretary Dr. David Owen, in 1977, due to its 'contacts with right-wing journalists and propagandists who were actively anti-Labour'; those involved in the shadowy, spooky world in which they operated, merely took further, and similar, appointments and moved elsewhere. (17)

Its Australian IRD partner also appears to have ceased operations at the same time. It is important to note the whole period of its existence coincided with the rise and fall of Gough Whitlam and his Labor administrations, together with the unification of Vietnam.

It has now, however, been resurrected; to serve similar objectives. But then, that is what they do.

It is also interesting to note official media releases from Canberra about the Pacific Aus TV Initiative have drawn specific attention to the assessed problem of the Solomon Islands, one of Canberra's favourite countries of interest and obsession. They allege the Solomon Star has been accepting funding from China for favourable coverage. No doubt Solomon Islanders, together with their Pacific Island counterparts, are now eagerly awaiting endless streams of dubious Australian media commentary ...

1.     TV push to combat China play for power, The Weekend Australian, 13-14 July 2024.
2.     Ibid.
3.     Ibid.
4.     See: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Victor Marchetti and John D, Marks, (London, 1976), with specific reference to Sub-section Part 2, Number 6, Propaganda and Disinformation, pp. 183-209.
5.     See: The reasons behind Washington's push for GSOMIA., Hankyoreh, 12 November 2019.
6.     See: Sub-imperial power, Clinton Fernandez, (Victoria, 2022); and, Island off the coast of Asia, Clinton Fernandez, (Victoria, 2018).
7.     Revealed: Australia's Secret Propaganda Unit, John Mcevoy and Peter Cronau, 16 June 2022, website:
8.     MI6, Stephen Dorril, (London, 2002), page 78.
9.     Revealed, op.cit.
10.   MI6, Dorril, op.cit., which contains numerous references to both Reddaway and the
11.   Revealed, op.cit.
12.   Ibid.
13.   Ibid.
14.   Copy: Australian IRD, Mr Reddaway, Secret, Declassified, ibid., page 7.
15.   Ibid.
16.   See: Secret IRD, 1971, File – FCO168/4481, Reference – 36/11/1 1972,      Declassified.
17.   MI6, Dorril, op.cit., page 80.