Nick G.
The terrorist violence in Paris appals people everywhere.
Terrorism is the antithesis of what Communists strive for in order to achieve
the overthrow of capitalism and imperialism.
Communists seek to build the capacity of the people to achieve
their own liberation. They believe that the end of the imperialist era will be
the result of a mass struggle undertaken by the people.
Terrorism by contrast unleashes acts of violence against
randomly targeted members of the population.
In nearly all cases, these are the same people whose lives we seek to
enrich and expand by bringing capitalism and imperialism to an end.
In so far as terrorism involves acts of violence designed to
intimidate opponents by making everyone feel afraid and unsafe, the greatest
use of terrorist violence in the modern era has come from the colonialist and
imperialist powers.
Civilian targets of US drone attacks are as much victims of
terrorism as the 129 innocents killed in Paris.
In the frontier wars waged by the British colonialists to seize this
country from its Aboriginal inhabitants, frequent reference was made to the use
of “exemplary violence” and to “inducing a state of terror in the natives”.
The Australian Communist poet and playwright Christopher Barnett
has lived in France for the last 30 years.
Writing on his Facebook page, he identifies points of commonality
between the ISIS-inspired terrorists and those of imperialism:
“the salafist takfiris, are as perverted a form of islam as it
is possible to be
“fascists of all kinds have one thing in common, they are
fascinated with themselves & they hate the people, despise the people,
especially the innocent, especially the innocent
“the connection between imperial power & these hoodlums is
that they choose soft targets, they always have, it does not take great
inspiration to murder unarmed people whether it is in tal afar, beirut or paris.”
There is nothing anti-imperialist in the terrorism of ISIS and
similar groups. In so far as they aspire
to establish the Caliphate they resemble nothing more than the imperialists
they purport to despise. Like the
imperialists, they are convinced of their own righteousness, of their own
values and beliefs and will stop at nothing to impose themselves on others
through force and violence.
Our Party extends its sympathies to the people of Paris, but our
proletarian internationalist convictions require us in the very same breath to
extend our sympathies to victims of both ISIS and the imperialist powers in
Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, to the Palestinians and Kurds with their as yet
unrealised aspirations for formal nationhood, and to the many African nations
and peoples seeking freedom and social advancement.
Por favor, ¿dónde es la lógica de vuestra posición? Vivimos en una situación de guerra generalizada: Bush, con la excusa de un acto de bandera falsa, ha declarado, en 2001, la guerra (imperialista) de 30 años contra el “terrorismo”; el socialimperialista francés Hollande, bajo otro acto de bandera falsa, ha declarado “estamos en guerra”. A los ataques militares el Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria está en guerra, como respuesta, contra la Santa Alianza de las Superpotencias Imperialistas. No hay, pues actos “terroristas” sino acciones militares en una guerra antiimperialista sin fronteras.