Monday, September 3, 2012

Olympic Games brought important lessons

Vanguard  September 2012 p. 11
Jim H.

The 2012 Olympics has come and gone. Millions witnessed incredible an achievements. They saw something of the possibility of human achievement based on hard work. They also saw the incredible advantage of working together as a team.

This side of the Olympic Games is important, deserves to be treasured. When these qualities are   applied to every-day life, the possibilities are incredible. Effort and teamwork are the ingredients for building a cooperative and socialist society. The Olympic Games can remind us of this.

Along with the positive, there is also a very dark side. This is that the Games have been commandeered by the biggest capitalist powers, which use them as a tool to push their selfish sectional interests. Over everything has been imposed a thoroughly corrupt Olympic Committee, closely tied to big business and living a life filled with constant junkets.

Staging of the event has become a multi-billion dollar. Making a quid becomes the main thing. It is an influence that corrupts all it touches. Too much is dependent on corporate sponsorship. With this the most sickening values of capitalism are peddled. Reflection on this side of the Olympic Games is also important.

Britain’s example is telling. This is one of the major imperialist powers. All previous efforts at corporatising the games were exceeded. Not only did the sponsors (mainly American and a few European monopolies) get exclusive rights in the venues, they were given considerable monopoly rights outside. Trade was restricted. Mouths were gagged. Even competitors had to agree to restrict on what they could say.

When Australian boxer Damien Hooper (above) came out with an Aboriginal T shirt, there a royal carry on. There was no such treatment of Coca Cola, McDonalds, Adidas and Nike. They were allowed to broadcast their messages far and wide.

The Games also provided the British ruling class and its servants a convenient circus to cover to step up its military preparedness against the British people.

It is the working class and working people around the world, including those of Britain, whole will carry the positive forward the positive aspects of the Olympics and discard the negative ones.

The lesson can serve to focus on the importance of grassroots sport and the need to ensure that it is properly resourced. It not enough that only the elite end gets attention. Sport at the grassroots brings people together promotes good health, builds communities and teaches organisation skills and the benefit of cooperation.

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